Social Media Policy

The McDade- Cara School of Irish Dance has adopted a strict, no-tolerance policy regarding Social Media.


Safety of Our Students

First and foremost, students are encouraged to exercise the utmost caution when participating in any form of social media or online communications, both with the McDade-Cara community and beyond. Anonymity on Social Media is never guaranteed, so exercise caution when posting anything.

We are highly aware of the dangers of social media & the impact that sites can have on the social and emotional well-being of children and teenagers when used inappropriately.

Stay Positive

Although all the tools can be used in a positive way, we need to be aware of the dangers and make sure they are all being used properly…to promote and share only positive things. Once posts are released to the world-wide-web, they can never be fully removed. Re-tweeting or Liking will be considered posts… so be careful and remember to stay positive! We love when you share your Irish dance accomplishments via social media – as long as you are respectful of ALL dancers, teachers, and the McDade-Cara School in general.


If a dancer or parent posts content regarding the McDade-Cara School, its dancers, teachers, or any affiliate that is negative or inappropriate, we will ask for it to be removed immediately. No form of cyberbullying will be tolerated. Any comments or posts that may be defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful will not be tolerated. Parents are responsible for the content posted by all underage dancers and will be involved in all discussions of such. Students who participate in online interactions must remember that their posts reflect on the entire McDade-Cara community and, as such, are subject to the behavioral standards set forth at the time of enrollment.

Photos and videos are prohibited in the dressing and instructional areas of the studio. The McDade-Cara School denies permission for you to post on a public forum ANY video of our dance material without the express permission of a McDade-Cara TCRG. Photos or videos taken from a practice, performance or rehearsal should not be posted online without direct permission. Do not post pictures to public forums without the permission of all involved.


Failure to abide by this Policy, as with other policies, may result in disciplinary action as determined by the McDade-Cara teaching staff.

We are advising our McDade-Cara families that using social media sites to post tweets, status updates, and pictures of themselves and others in situations that portray a negative impact on the School will call for disciplinary action that may result in being dismissed from McDade-Cara. Consequences for inappropriate posts will be administered on a case-by-case basis. First-time violators will receive a warning but repeat policy violations will result in class suspension and /or permanent dismissal.