Meet the Teachers
Our instructors are proud of their history and the many achievements in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the USA, North America, Ireland, England and Scotland. Their students have been awarded medals at every level of competition, including National Champions and World Champions!
Accredited by An Coimisun Le Rinci Gaelacha (CLRG)
Registered members of the Irish Dance Teachers’ Association of North America (IDTANA)
Registered members of the Mid-Atlantic Region (MAR)
Annmarie Murray Sheehan, ADCRG
Sheila McGrory Sweeney, TCRG
Maureen Murray Hegarty, TCRG
Margy Roche Grant, TCRG
Sinead Meehan, TCRG
Aine Sheehan, TCRG
Rita Grant, TCRG
Mary Roche Schaffer
Cassie Magee
Regan Sweeney
Billy Hegarty
Kerrie Flynn
Shannon Flynn
Kelly Rogers